Dunfermline Walking and Cycling Index

Formerly known as Bike Life, this is the UK's biggest ever study of walking, wheeling and cycling.

The first Index for Dunfermline comes at a pivotal moment, as the new city embarks upon changes to make walking, wheeling and cycling easy and accessible for everyone.

Every year, walking and cycling in Dunfermline results in:


serious long-term health conditions prevented

£39.2 million

in economic benefit for individuals and the region

1,900 tonnes

of greenhouse gas emissions saved

Icon of navy car.

Up to 13,000

cars taken off the road every day

Man cycling on shared-use path, by Fife College Campus

Steve, new cyclist

When the e-bike scheme was introduced at Fife College, I thought I could try cycling to work.

My commute is around 2 miles, and driving has always seemed the most convenient option. This was before I realised how beneficial the e-bike is!

My fuel bill has reduced significantly, it is almost as fast as driving, and I get some fresh air and exercise in the morning.

I wish there were more cycle lanes and secure cycle parking in Dunfermline. I believe it would help people switch from driving to cycling more easily

Dunfermline Walking and Cycling Index report front cover

Download the Dunfermline Walking and Cycling Index

See Dunfermline's vision for walking, wheeling and cycling.

Download the report.

This report is also available in a text-only format.

Dunfermline resident Dionne shares her experience walking with a buggy in the city.

Cyclists enjoying Quietways 1 route through south east London

Our methods and data sources

Data and methodologies for our 2023 reports.

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